Monday, March 16, 2009

3 and 3 Equals $250

Have Passive Income Passion and Join QuestNet - 3 very simple steps:

First: Register online with an annual fee of $10 using your referrer's IR number. You will have your very own virtual office and an independent representative number (IR #).
When registering, it is also very important to indicate your beneficiary who will receive the earnings on the appropriate time. Your beneficiary can be your parents, spouse or children. It can also be your special friend.
Your virtual office holds all your personal details and record of transactions. It also serves as your Virtual Mall where you and your customers can purchase products online. It also shows your business organization growth and commissions due for you.
You can get your internet income from your virtual office by requesting a check. Your checks will be delivered to you at the address that you've indicated in your account...wherever you are in the planet! You can also get your earnings by having a Quest E-card which is as good as cash. Lastly, you can get your money through bank telegraphic transfer. QuestNet will send your money directly on your bank account when your earnings have already reached $4,800 per week!
Here is your tracking center (red smiley) after registering in QuestNet. Nobody gets fired! No one can remove you from your position the moment you join. You will have 2 sides, the left and the right.

Second: Purchase a product from your virtual office...a Bio Disc, Vacation Package, Swiss Watch etc. Your purchase is your license and qualification to the business. The rest of the process will be shouldered by QuestNet like training, product development, warehousing, purchase processing, shipping and delivery. Your product purchase also benefits you because not only you can enjoy it, you will also be able to refer the products to others with passion!
Now, the big question: How much is your total investment in a QuestNet business? Remember: Your license is only a one time product purchase plus a $10 registration fee!
As a reference, a McDonald's franchise costs about $1 Million to start and only after 2 years you could earn roughly $38,000 per month. How about QuestNet?
A QuestNet business could actually surpass a McDonald's income and you can earn almost immediately after purchasing your product! Intrigued? Read further for details.
The Network Marketing Business Law emphasize that any investment on this type of business should be in a form of product purchase to prevent risk in your part…because the product is with you. Non-compliance to this law will mark the company as practicing a pyramid scheme and be forced to close down. QuestNet has always obeyed the laws of the land and it’s their pride to never been charged positively in court.

Third: Refer at least two customers in the business (blue smileys), one on the left and one on the right of your tracking center. This is your activation where you will start receiving commissions. Your two new “direct referrals” will also go through the steps of joining.
First, they will register for $10 using your IR #. They will get their virtual office and their own IR #.

Second, they will also purchase a product and by doing this, you on the other hand will earn at least $30 direct sales commission (DSC) for each customer. This DSC could be any amount like $50, $200, $500, $1,000 or higher! If both your left and right customers buy within 30 days, you will earn an additional $50 quick start commission (QSC).

Third, they will also refer 2 customers which will be your “indirect referrals” (grey smileys), one on their left and one on their right. They will also earn DSC and QSC from their own customers.

You will enjoy DSC and QSC as long as you directly sponsor your customers. Remember that you only have two sides, the left and the right. Any excess of customers you brought in will spill-over (small blue smiley) under your organization which will benefit you as well as the one above that customer!

Sweet Passive Income

When your direct referrals start recruiting their own customers, you will no longer earn DSC and QSC. You only earn those from your direct referrals. A new formula will be applied to you instead. Your business will grow “exponentially” and you will earn big time! This is called "Passive Income" where 3 and 3 equals $250. Your ticket to financial freedom online!

When your left and right direct referrals qualify 2 customers each, you will be compensated differently with this formula: whenever you get 3 customers on your left and 3 customers on your right, you will earn $250 whether you bring them in your organization directly or indirectly! So now, how long will it take for you to get 2 customers?

You can also recruit more customers (direct referrals) so they spill-over (small blue smiley) below your organization helping your business grow faster. As your organization builds up exponentially, your income now doubles each level. Two becomes four, then eight, then sixteen. Now ask yourself: Do you know all these people under your two customers? Can you stop them from growing? Probably not!

A lot of people has been working in a job for more than 10 years and hasn't even saved 25,000 bucks! Look at this ten step projection. Even if it took you one year to get two customers and everyone else took one year to get their own two customers, you will still earn big money! But why make it slow?
A piece of advice: It is wise to sponsor your Family members first, and then, your Relatives, followed by your Associates, then your Neighbors, and lastly Strangers (FRANS).

Also, QuestNet is not a get rich quick scheme. You will do your part (with your partners above you) in identifying and training your direct referrals. You would only want people with dreams, commitment and passive income passion to succeed! You should guide these key people so they will duplicate "You". Don't be lazy here. Otherwise, they will just duplicate your lack of productivity.

Soon enough, after you have managed to train your group, they can take care of themselves and you can go to the most beautiful resort in the world, lay on a cozy sun bed while drinking coconut milk... with your family!

Multi-Headed Business

You can also have a three header business (three tracking centers) and double your earnings. A One Header business has a $15,000 per week potential while a Three Header Business has a $45,000 per week potential. Unbelievable? Believe it! Unachievable? It has been! Let's say you have 12 very good friends. Compare the one header business to the three header. You actually double your earnings! So how many headers do you want?

There are more ways you can earn with QuestNet but will not be mentioned here to avoid confusion. Just know that there are more to look forward to when you join. For full details, go back to the person who brought you here and learn more. QuestNet is truly remarkable!

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